Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I bet if I don't do it, you'll realize how much I do

Somebody told me today "I'm sorry about what you're going through" because I told him that he doesn't appreciate what i've done for him. WTH? It ain't about me going through anything. The troubles I'm having now are mainly financial. Which means yes I am vexed over it but eventually it will subside, even for a day or two. But being neglected, looked over, unappreciated, unnoticed, that will never subside.

I don't know why I expect any different. I clean the house just to have toys strewn all over in a matter of minutes. I reunite family and they have entire relationships without even acknowledging my efforts. I go out of my way to get to work early, staying there thru all the ups and downs, clean up other peoples leftover mess, be nice to co workers and customers I don't like just for someone else to get praised for it.

Yeah I know I sound selfish and egocentric but so what. It would be nice just once in awhile to be acknowledged for my work. But the minute I stop doing it, then they'll notice. I know you probably go thru this too, it's not just me. So everybody all together, say it with me ..... "WOOOOOOSAAAAAAHH!!"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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